A Cheatsheet for Markdown

A Cheatsheet for Markdown

Markdown in short


3 min read

This is a short article about Markdown (.md) file. In this article i'm going to discuss about markdown In short.

What is Markdown ?

Markdown is a lightweight markup language that you can use to add formatting elements to plaintext documents. it is a syntax (or set of rules) that is used to format text on web pages.

Extension for markdown file

The extension for a Markdown file is .md or .markdown. To compile a markdown file you need an application capable of processing markdown files like VS Code, atom, etc.

editing of markdown file

We can do a lot thing in markdown file which are not possible in simple text files. For example We make any text bold or italic, We can add headings and images and a lot of things . we can edit by using simple commands. Here is example for giving heading in markdown :

Heading in mark down - To give headings in markdown we use ' # ' . We can give heading from 1 to 6 . For heading 1 we use one # and heading 2 we use two ## and so on.

# This is heading 1
## This is heading 2
### This is heading 3
#### This is heading 4
#####This is heading 5
###### This is heading 6

Output for above code will be like this :

This is heading 1

This is heading 2

This is heading 3

This is heading 4

This is heading 5
This is heading 6

this is basic syntax of markdown .just Like " # " for heading we have a lot of commands in markdown . which are down below :

1. For Making text Bold :-

**bold text**

output :- bold text

2. for making text italic : -

*italicized text*

output :- italicized text

3. for making blockquote :-

> blockquote

output :-


4. Ordered List :-

1. First item
2. Second item
3. Third item

output :-

   1. First item
   2. Second item
   3. Third item

5. Unordered List :-

 - First item
 - Second item
 - Third item

output :-

  • First item
  • Second item
  • Third item

6. Code :-


output :- code

7. Horizontal Rule : -


output :-

8. Link : -

[title for link](https://www.example.com)

output :- title for link

9. Image : -

 ![alt text](https://static.xx.fbcdn.net/rsrc.php/y8/r/dF5SId3UHWd.svg)

output :- alt text

10. Task List : -

   - [x] Write the press release
   - [ ] Update the website
   - [ ] Contact the media

output :-

  • [x] Write the press release
  • [ ] Update the website
  • [ ] Contact the media

11. Tables : -

|column 1| column 2| column 3|column 4 |
|:--- |:---:|:---:|---:|
|item1 |item 2 |item 3| item 4|
|item1 |item 2 |item 3| item 4|
|item1 |item 2 |item 3| item 4|

output :-

column 1column 2column 3column 4
item1item 2item 3item 4
item1item 2item 3item 4
item1item 2item 3item 4

These are the main commands for markdown. i hope this was helpful.